Contact US
Write Us: support@lcsupplement.com Email Support operates 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.
Call Us: (877) 393-5339 or +1 (954) 241-1919. Customer Support Call Center operates between 9:00am EST and 5:00pm EST, Monday-Friday.
Chat With Us: Live Chat Support operates Between English chat between 7am - 7pm Sunday - Saturday and Spanish chat 11am - 7pm Monday - Friday.
We want you to be 100% satisfied with your LifeCell order. We stand by the quality of our products and our 120 Day Money Back Guarantee. Should you for any reason be unsatisfied with your purchase, please reach out to us! We will be happy to address your concerns!
United States(877) 393-5339
UK Toll Free800 652-4897
Australia Toll Free1800 151 863
Mexico Intl Toll1800 0996485
Colombia Intl Toll1800 518 3985
New Zealand Intl Toll800 452978
Spain Intl Toll900 947068